Agriculture, Forestry and Society under Global Change?
From understanding past and present Earth’s processes to adaptations for the future.
19th–21st September 2022
Velké Karlovice (Czech Republic), Valachy Resort www.valachy.cz
About conference
Science must always be at the forefront of addressing global challenges. Such a challenge that man has arranged for himself is global change – change manifested by climate change and its effects not only on the biosphere but also on human society as a whole. The European Center of Excellence CzechGlobe, which has been in existence for 12 years, wants to share the interesting and essential results of its research in the field of global change. It wants to prove that science has an irreplaceable role to play in addressing climate change mitigation and adaptation, in meeting international climate change commitments and in the tasks of EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change.
International conference „Quo vaditis agriculture, forestry and society under Global Change? From understanding past and present Earth’s processes to adaptations for the future“, whose scientific sponsor is the European Center of Excellence CzechGlobe, should prove that science has an irreplaceable role in addressing mitigation and adaptation to climate change, in meeting international commitments to climate change and tasks of the EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change.
Come and share your knowledge, discuss it professionally and together suggest how to use this knowledge in measures to mitigate the effects of climate change and in adaptations to it and also for a transformational change. The opportunity for this professional discussion will be the international scientific conference „Quo vaditis agriculture, forestry and society under Global Change? From understanding past and present Earth’s processes to adaptations for the future.“ The date of the conference coincides with the period when the Czech Republic holds the presidency of the European Union, and although other important topics are of course resonating at present, we would like the topic of climate change and related issues to remain at the forefront of interest.
The conference proceedings will take place in five specialized sections. Presentations can be given through lectures or posters. The abstracts of all the presentations (lectures and posters) will be published in the Book of Abstracts.
The conference language is English.
Scientific committee
Michal V. Marek – chairman
Sune Linder
Christian Körner
Julia Mildorfova Leventon
Karel Klem
Miroslav Trnka
Otmar Urban
Manuel Acosta
Jan Červený
Expert Sections
The discussion will take place in five conference sections:
- Through understanding the past and present processes to adaptation for the future
- From molecules to landscape: experimental and observatory studies for the future climate change
- Climate change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems, and the possible ways for their adaptation and climate change mitigation
- Creating the Transformation: Policy, Practice and Progress
- New approaches and technologies for climate adaptation and mitigation solutions
Focuses of individual sections
Through understanding the past and present processes to adaptation for the future
The session will welcome contributions presenting the most recent findings in observed trends, their model and experimental explanation, analysis and proposed adaptation measures across various time and spatial domains. The particular attention will be paid to experiments, measurement network, remote sensing and modeling based solutions, as well as development of operational and forecast driven adaptation pathways.
The fields of interest are:
- climate and climate analysis as well as managed and unmanaged ecosystem responses
- extreme events and climate change attribution
- adaptation of agricultural and managed ecosystems
- integrated process based system modelling including landscape, agriculture and water resources
- large scale monitoring networks – from global scale to high-towers
From molecules to landscape: experimental and observatory studies for the future climate change
Even though a significant advance regarding our knowledge on ecosystem analysis of different ecosystems and their components has been achieved during the last decades, there are still issues to be solved to improve our understanding of the impact of global climate change on particular ecosystems. This section invites to submit experimental and observatory studies at various hierarchical levels (from molecules to landscape), primarily at the level of terrestrial ecosystems.
The fields of interest are:
- long-term or short-term studies focused on measuring and modelling CO2 and other GHG exchange between ecosystem and atmosphere
- studies using remote sensing data and methods, with particular interest in multisensor synergies
- studies focused on biogeochemistry of nitrogen in the forest ecosystem; and evaluation and modelling of changes in the hydrological cycle of forest catchment.
- studies focused on evolutionary ecology, population dynamics and stability of ecological communities using theoretical, experimental and field approaches.
New approaches and technologies for climate adaptation and mitigation solutions
The session will focus on contributions on the most recent innovations, trends, concerns and practical challenges related to implementation of existing and development of new solutions in the fields of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.
Topics on biology related solutions, including experimental and field work are expected, but not exclusive to.
Fields of interest are:
- water resources
- (smart) agriculture
- forestry
- fisheries
- alternative raw materials
- human health
- human settlements and infrastructures
Climate change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems, and the possible ways
for their adaptation and climate change mitigation
The session will welcome contributions dealing with the functional understanding of ecosystem responses to climate change represented particularly by the impacts of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration, reduced water availability, increasing temperature, increasing VPD including the mutual interactive effects. Welcomed are contributions focusing on understanding the responses at different scales from molecular (metabolomics, transcriptomics, proteomics), through physiological or functional responses (photosynthesis, transpiration, respiration) up to ecosystem-level responses (loss of diversity, ecosystem processes or functions) for individual ecosystem components (plants, soil microbiome, animals) or the whole ecosystem. Specific attention will be paid to the potential mechanisms and measures for ecosystem adaptation to climate change (water retention, drought tolerance, resistance to high temperatures) and also to the ways of improving the potential of ecosystems to mitigate climate change (carbon sequestration, reduction of CH4 and N2O emissions).
The fields of interest are:
- responses of plants, soil microbiota, animals, and whole ecosystems to the climate change, with specific focus on the impacts on ecosystem processes
- mechanisms and measures of ecosystem adaptation to climate change (specific focus on reduced water availability and warming)
- ways and measures for improving the mitigation role of ecosystems (carbon sequestration, reduction of CH4 and N2O emissions)
Creating the Transformation: Policy, Practice and Progress
There is broad recognition that we need transformative change to address our sustainability crises, including climate change and declining resilience of ecosystem functions under biodiversity loss. Such transformations shift our relationships with each other and the life environment, reshaping sectors, societies and economies. Transformative change across the biodiversity nexus is a focus of two new IPBES assessments, and has been flagged as a key component in climate action by the IPCC (WGII). In this session, we explore the tools and techniques we have to create transformative change, including policies, tools, techniques and approaches to fostering future sustainable societies. We hope to see critiques of the potential and limits of transformative change at a range of scales, from individual, to local cases, to broad policy changes at national and international scales.
Fields of interest:
- Papers submitted to this session could include coverage of existing or emerging approaches to creating sustainability, including (but not limited to):
- tools and approaches, such as ecosystem accounting, nature based solutions to mitigate hydrological extremes in the landscape, land degradation and restoration assessment
- policies, such as the European Green Deal and its related strategies.
- future alternative approaches emerging from scenario planning, anticipatory governance and imaginaries
- we welcome contributions that look beyond the environment to highlight lessons for transformative change from other disciplines.
Instructions for the authors of presentations
The length of oral presentations: Keynote lectures 20 minutes + 10 minutes questions, presentations 15 minutes + 5 minutes questions
The length of oral poster presentation: 3 minutes
Poster size: 80 x 100 cm (portrait format)
Abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts.
Abstract Submission Deadline: 12th August, 2022
The preliminary conference program
Monday, 19th September 2022
conference opening 2 p.m., lectures and poster presentations
Tuesday, 20th September 2022
morning lectures and poster presentations, lunch, afternoon lectures and poster presentations, evening banquet
Wednesday, 21st September 2022
morning lectures and poster presentations, conference closing
Already confirmed keynote speakers
to be added
You can register for the conference by filling a registration form here. Your registration will be confirmed by email.
The conference participation fee is 4500 CZK*
* Please note that when registering at a later date … we cannot guarantee accommodation in the mentioned hotels
The conference fee includes: 4x coffee break, 1x refreshment on arrival (Monday, 19th September between 12-1:30 pm), 1x lunch (Tuesday, 20th September) , 1 evening banquet (Tuesday, 20th September) and conference materials.
The Conference fee (the fee is specified in the registration instructions) is to be sent to:
bank account: 377950233/0300
CSOB Olomouc
account holder: Hana Šprtová – local organizer
address: Chválkovická 170, post code: 779 00, city: Olomouc
variable symbol: 47209232
IBAN: CZ3103000000000377950233
When making the payment, state your first name and surname into the message for recipient, so that your payment can be identified. You will receive the payment receipt upon the registration at the conference.
Conference participants are invited to book accommodation in the Horal hotel where there will be capacities reserved for the event.
Conference participants can choose from the following special offers of accommodation (price includes half-board):
Horal hotel
Horal Standard*** double room 2,180 CZK (incl. VAT)
Horal Standard*** single room 3,229 CZK (incl. VAT)
Horal Family room*** double room 2,379 CZK (incl. VAT)
Horal Family room*** single room 3,626 CZK (incl. VAT)
Horal E Standard Deluxe **** double room 2,436 CZK (incl. VAT)
Horal E Standard Deluxe **** single room 3,739 CZK (incl. VAT)
Horal E Suite Spa**** double room 3,285 CZK (incl. VAT)
Horal E Suite Spa **** single room 5,438 CZK (incl. VAT)
Horal additional bed for adults 1,693 CZK (incl. VAT)
The accommodation special price applies to a two-night stay and is listed for 1 person / per night and includes VAT (10%).
The accommodation price includes half board (breakfast and dinner) and unlimited access to the Wellness Horal.
Accommodation can be booked after the registration to the conference and after its confirmation by 15th July 2022 at the following email address: horal@valachy.cz
When booking, please, use the identification code “CzechGlobe”.
Valachy Resort
Hotel Horal Velké Karlovice – Léskové 583
756 06 Velké Karlovice
Telephone: +420 571 495 500
E-mail: horal@valachy.cz
How to get there?
By car
In the direction from Prague, Brno and Ostrava taking E442 road, drive through the border crossing with the Slovak Republic called Bumbálka, 2 km after the border crossing turn right in the direction to Vsetín (road no. 487). After driving for about three kilometers, you will arrive directly at the hotel HORAL in Velké Karlovice.
In the direction from Vienna, Bratislava (SR) take the D1 highway (E75), exit at Bytča, in the direction to Makov – CR border – then take the road No. 10/E442. At about 2 km before the border crossing called Bumbálka turn left in the direction to Vsetín (road no.487). After about three kilometers you will arrive directly at the hotel HORAL in Velké Karlovice.
Hotel Horal – GPS N 49° 22′ 36” E 018° 23′ 33”
Hotel Lanterna – GPS N 49°22’13”, E 18°21’7″
By train
We recommend that you take the train from Prague main station to Ostrava main station. You can travel with Czech Railways (SC Pendolino, the journey takes about 3 hours), or with LEO Express or RegioJet – the journey takes 3 hours 20 minutes.
It is also possible to take a train from Prague to Vsetín (Czech Railways, direct train 3 hours 45 minutes).
Transportation to Velké Karlovice will be arranged from Ostrava and Vsetín upon arrival of selected trains (will be specified later).
More information will be available soon
in the second notification.
We are looking forward to your participation. Conference Organizing Committee.